If you got a problem YO let's solve it!

If you got a problem

YO let's solve it!



Are you ready to be done cycling through the same problems over and over in your mind?

answers await you.

I can help you take the guessing game out of solving problems and give you real solutions to the path of peaceful living.


Give curiosity a chance

It happens every time during the first session: something clicks as my clients start to understand the how and the why of their mind. I see a spark of clarity dispel confusion that has been blinding them for so long. The relief lights up their face: there IS an answer! This is what awaits you on this journey.

Discover skills that will unearth hope and have you throwing up your hallelujah hands!

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Gizay coaching

I love people and their desire to be better and do better.
I know the despair that lies in looking for a bridge to get you from where you are to where you want to be. There is so much defeat in not finding it. I know because I was there.

Enter life coaching. The hunt was over and the work was just beginning. I found concepts I could apply to save my relationships that were hanging from a thread. I learned the skill set to solve any problem.

I want to teach these same things to anyone willing to put in the work.

Together, we examine the workings of your brain and I teach you how to use your own mind as an asset to work for you rather than against you.



Gabrielle Hansen is a wife, mother of 4, and obnoxiously proud resident of Southern California. She’s known for her ability to listen without judging and to have fun while helping with the hard work of living a more deliberate life. She is currently living her passions: mothering, beaching, and coaching.




Public speaking

Have a large or small group who NEEDS to hear things? I agree, they 100% do!


6 week courses

Are you ready to get serious on solving one of your problems? 6 weeks of investing in creating the solution.


1:1 coaching

45 minute online sessions where we focus on your individual problems and cater the session to your needs.




 get in touch

I would love to hear from you!
